Welcome to the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA)! As a private, nonprofit organization, we are dedicated to a single mission: Helping School Boards Ensure All Students Succeed.

Since our founding in 1936, MSBA has served as the united voice of school board members across Missouri. We are committed to empowering our member districts through comprehensive training, policy support, legal assistance, and a wide range of essential services.


MSBA is governed by a Board of Directors (BOD), composed of local school board members from districts across the state. The Board includes the:

  • President

  • President-Elect

  • Vice President

  • Immediate Past President

  • K-8 Boards Representative

  • Representatives from each of MSBA’s 17 regions.

Additionally, representatives from Kansas City 33, St. Louis City, and Springfield Public Schools hold automatic seats.

Each region is overseen by a Regional Executive Committee (REC), which includes:

  • Regional Board of Directors Representative

  • Regional Advocacy Committee Representative

  • Regional Leadership Development Representative

Each region is also represented by a Regional Delegate Team, consisting of the REC members and the voting delegate(s) from each MSBA member board.


BOD and REC Nominations

Careers at MSBA

MSBA Board of Directors

MSBA Regional Structure

School Board Basics

Stay Connected with MSBA

Staff Directory


MSBA will be the premier organization in the nation for school board leadership and support.